Andrea Burolla Photography

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Paint Session- A Perfect Gift Idea for Mother’s Day, Denver and Boulder

Paint Session- Perfect Gift Idea for Mother's Day

Recently I was doing a little market research and I reached out to some of my past clients and I asked them why they did a paint session.  If I’m being honest, I literally asked them, “why did you hire me?” As a photographer that’s a truly daunting question to ask but I really wanted to know what specifically, made them say “I have to have it!”.  

One said they liked the way that I appreciated children's artwork, that I was able to see value in what they do and celebrate it.  Another client echoed the sentiment around the artwork saying that she knew the artwork would evoke an emotional reaction and connection to her kids.  She also liked that it was unique. Everyone has their kids artwork in their home but NO ONE had their kids artwork like THIS.

For me, it’s all about freezing a part of their childhood and giving them a truly immersive experience.  I love that when my kids are grown and gone, I will have their paintings- made with laughter, big dreams, open hearts, and little finger swirls- hanging right there above my sofa.  There’s always a part of them that stays with me, in our home, among all the chaos and changes life throws at you, the painting will remain. Just like a part of them of will always be a part of me.  It’s a little time capsule and every day I look at it I get to relive those memories again.

A paint session is so much more than just a photo shoot. It gives something tangible and timeless to Mom, the one who has worked hard for that special keepsake with countless nights of interrupted sleep; fevers; endless dirty diapers; turned up noses at full dinner plates; disgusting bodily fluids; chauffeur duties to: gymnastics classes, ninja training, swim practice, karate belt tests, ballet/jazz/tap/hip hop classes, baseball/football/basketball/soccer games; chaperoning the zoo field trip; late night research projects;  boo-boo kisses; mending broken hearts (and sometimes broken bones); and always, always saying ‘I love you’ back.

The Moms in your life have earned their stripes.  

Give them this one little token they can have to hold onto, no matter how old their babies get.  

I’m excited to announce a special promotional offer designed for that special Mother in your life. This is the first promotion we have ever run on our paint sessions and it's a big one! Book a paint session in April until Mother's Day (May 13th) and you will receive:

  1. 50% OFF YOUR SESSION FEE (a savings of $275)!!!!

  2. 5 FREE digital files of your child painting

  3. Pick from a pre-selected color palette or make your own!

  4. If buying as a gift, you get a FREE personalized gift certificate for you to give/send on Mother’s Day

Click below to take advantage of this amazing deal,
don't wait limited sessions are available!