We understand that everyone's needs are different and truthfully when displaying art, there are literally hundreds of options.  Here's a collection of our pricing for our most popular sizes and the most requested type of materials.  The artwork is designed to be prominately displayed, in most cases a 20"x30" size is a great starting point.  If you don’t see a size or material that you’re interested in please ask and we’ll be happy to get that information for you.


Standard Photo Print:

Metal Print:

Canvas Print:


Standard Photo Print:

Metal Print:

Canvas Print:


Standard Photo Print:

Metal Print:

Canvas Print:


Standard Photo Print:

Metal Print:

Canvas Print:


8x8 Hard Cover, Photo Book (20 page): $250

Digital Images of Child while Painting: $55 each

Denver- Boulder-childrens-photographer-paint-sessions-abstract-art-black-and-white-size-sheet