Fun Children's Photography
Young Maggie began her work in the tactile arts from an early age. Her preferred medium includes colored beads and a pliable clay like substance commonly referred to in the industry as “Play Dough” That name is deceiving because Maggie is anything but ‘play’ when it comes to her artwork. She literally immerses herself, exploring texture and form, by squeezing Play Dough through and around her feet and toes.
While she hasn’t announced an official artist statement in regard to her bead work it’s apparent she has been influenced greatly by today’s political climate. Try to catch one of her weekly interactive installments where she sorts beads by color and size, only to mess them all up and start all over again. Though young, this is clearly a statement about the current political challenges facing our divided nation.
Music may be the next area of artistic expression with her revival of some of the great hits from the past. Her renditions of Wheels on the Bus, ABCs, Five Little Monkeys and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star are inspirational. Currently she’s also influenced by the classics, particularly the Beat Bugs, who feature Beetles hits.
Maggie would like to thank Lucy Goose (family dog), Grandma and Pa, Nubby, and Bear for their continued love and support.
I’m happy to introduce to you, our first Artist in Residence: Maggie.
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