3 ways to reuse plastic Easter eggs

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If you celebrate Easter then you probably have the same dilemma I do...here’s how Easter plays out at my house. About two months before Easter, I see decorations filling the store and I proactively buy Easter eggs trying to prevent what happens every year:  It’s the night before Easter as soon as the kids go to bed, I start going to work as the Easter bunny, filling up baskets.

First step is of course, retrieve those plastic eggs.  And every year when I can’t find where I put the eggs I bought 2 months ago, I send my husband to find whatever plastic eggs are left in the stores.  Then, Murphy’s Law comes into play and I find said eggs purchased 2 months ago usually no more than 7 days after Easter.  I swear I’ll store them away and use them next year but let’s be honest...this little nasty forgotten Easter egg cycle has been going on for the last 6 years.  Instead of making myself feel bad about this habit I decided to create some art projects you can do with your kids to reuse those damn eggs!

Kids Art Project #1: Egg Maracas

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Get two plastic spoons, fill the plastic eggs with anything you think will make a nice rattle.  Here I used, rice and dried beans.  Have your kids look for things to put inside the eggs and experiment, different things will make different sounds.  Once you’ve got your "rattlers” tape up the spoon handles.  Make sure those spoons are securely taped because they will get flung around and dropped!  After they're taped together you can decorate them. I found using scrapbook decorative tape an easy simple way to jazz them up.


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Kids Art Project #2: DIY Bath Bombs

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Plastic Easter egg shells make great bath bomb molds, you can find a zillion different bath bomb recipes online, find one that you like, my favorites are the ones that combine just a hint of some kind of essential oil in them, mix up a batch and put them into your molds.  Here’s another tip, if you’re the type that likes to incorporate some type of homemade gift for your kids teacher, this is one they will probably be pretty grateful for; hold onto your eggs so you can use them for end of year teacher gifts! 

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Kids Art Project #3- Mini succulent planters

I think succulents are just so darn cute and better yet, they are very hard to kill, that makes me like them even more!  You can make these little planters and have them sit on a window ledge, shelf, desk, dresser, bathroom, nightstand all over the house and (like me) you can pretend that you have a green thumb that nourishes and grows plant life indoors.

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I painted my eggs white first, then “painted” glue on the egg after the paint was dry.  Then I sprinkled different types of glitter on them (if you do this, definitely use some sort baking or cooking dish with raised edges, because glitter…).  Then I cut 3 floral wires the length I wanted, while holding the wires, separate them evenly and bend the floral wire over the edges of the egg. Then grab the wires on the bottom of the egg and twist all 3 wires together. Spread the wires in different directions to make legs so it can stand. Now you can have those little succulents everywhere!

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Do you have an idea on how we can reuse or recycle these little eggs- let me know!  I'd love to hear other ideas (because I've probably got at least another 10 years worth of eggs coming at me!).